Friday, January 28, 2011

We have had people over to the house - twice !

Did I mention that we had company over twice ! 
Real Visitors ...
We even had my DMIL over for Christmas Eve gifting. 
And then we had about 15 people over for New Year's Eve.
My kids invited people too!
It was pretty cool to have space for everyone to sit, and the table space for everyone to eat a meal together.
I got to tell one of my best friends that she's "worth more to me than all of my crap." 
And it's so true.  Being able to have a friend drop by is worth so much.
And I was missing that for so long.
That's priceless isn't it?

Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Progress is showing

I'm not sure how much actual progress I have made in the last 4 months, but my house is looking better.
DH and the other occupants have been working really hard on hauling stuff off, giving it away, donating, throwing out, burning, boxing up, and moving away.
I'm learning not to panic every time someone takes out the trash.  I haven't "rescued" anything from a trash bag in, well, several days at least.