Friday, May 4, 2012

Knit Therapy #2

2)  Knitting helps me sit still. 
As a child, I constantly heard the phrase "don't you wish you had that much energy" uttered by the adults around me.  It's funny how the things that are perfectly acceptable at one age are serious liabilities in another phase of life.  Sitting still at school was always difficult.  And, I'm a "knee-bouncer", "foot tapper":  not just when I'm nervous, or bored, or when I have to go to the bathroom.  Always, all the time.  The Dr. got me some meds for Restless Leg Syndrome after I did a sleep study.  So, I guess now I can hold still while I sleep.  My knee bouncing has been known to disturb other people.  Especially where the floor has a little give to it.  Or if I'm sitting on a bench like at a picnic table, or a church pew.  I've been asked to quit bouncing the whole table where people are trying to work, read, or write.  Sitting with my children that are also knee bouncers can make others think about earthquakes.  Hard soled shoes on wood or tile floors will sometimes get my attention before it goes on too long.  But, sometimes a co-worker has to say "What is that noise?" before I notice it.  Typing at a keyboard, watching tv, singing in the choir are not always enough to get control.  Driving and using a sewing machine foot feed seem like they should cancel out the foot tapping, but there's that other foot that is left out of the process that can just go right along tapping.
There's something about knitting, stitching, sewing, fine motor skill tasks that will let that part of my nervous system relax.  Before I was a knitter, I could sometimes doodle or sketch on a piece of paper, especially if I balanced it on a knee, to get myself to stop and be still.  There is a need to occasionally take a deep breath and analyze the posture for stress, consciously relaxing shoulders and arms, back and legs.  It's a whole body exercise.
We once did a whole Bible study on Stillness.  It was a skill that I have had to work hard at.  Knitting is one of my crutches.

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